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Identifier Params

A custom ID param reader must implement two methods: read and describe:

class MyIdParamReader: IdParamReader<MyId> {
  override fun describe(): IdParamMeta {
    TODO("not implemented")
  override fun read(input: IdParams): String {
    TODO("not implemented")
Subject To Change.

This API contract is subject to change. Because ID parsing is a core part of the runtime, it may be necessary to add to or change the methods you must implement.


describe returns a description of this ID type, including a description of each field in the identifier. This metadata is used to generate the URL path and to generate documentation.

For simple identifiers, you should only return one field description. The actual return type is IdParamMeta, which is an interface containing one value: val idParams: List<IdParamMeta.Param>. Param is a data class with a name string and a scalarFormat which describes the format of a valid value.

If there are multiple values in idParams, a compound identifier will be created. The URL parameters will appear in the same order as the values in the idParams list.

describe can throw a UAPITypeError to signify that something went wrong while constructing the metadata.


read is used to actually read the parameters from the path. It is passed an instance of IdParams, which is a map of parameter names to values.

List Parameters

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