Interface ByuJwtProviderOptions



additionalValidations?: ValidationFunction<TIntersect<[TObject<{
    aud: TOptional<TUnion<[TString, TArray<TString>]>>;
    exp: TOptional<TNumber>;
    iss: TOptional<TString>;
}>, TObject<{ TString; TString; TString; TString; TString; TString; TString; TEnum<typeof KeyType>; TString; TString; TEnum<typeof UserType>; TString;
}>, TObject<{ TString; TEnum<typeof ClientClaimSource>; TString; TString; TString; TString; TString; TString; TString; TString; TString; TString;
}>, TObject<{ TOptional<TString>; TOptional<TString>; TOptional<TString>; TOptional<TString>; TOptional<TString>; TOptional<TString>; TOptional<TString>; TOptional<TString>; TOptional<TString>; TOptional<TString>;
}>]>, TransformedJwtPayload>[]

An optional array of functions that will also be used to validate the JWT.

algorithms?: Algorithm[]
allowedAud?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
allowedIss?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
allowedJti?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
allowedNonce?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
allowedSub?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]
basePath?: string
cache?: number | boolean
cacheTTL?: number
checkTyp?: string
clockTimestamp?: number
clockTolerance?: number
complete?: boolean
development?: boolean
discoveryEndpoint?: string
errorCacheTTL?: number | ((tokenError) => number)

Type declaration

    • (tokenError): number
    • Parameters

      • tokenError: TokenError

      Returns number

ignoreExpiration?: boolean
ignoreNotBefore?: boolean
issuer?: string
key?: string
maxAge?: number
prefix?: string
requiredClaims?: string[]

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